Can investors utilize ESG news sentiment to maximize alpha in the short and medium term between the intervals that are covered by ESG advisory firms, ratings agencies, and other peers? We investigate the relationship between short-term (weekly, monthly) and medium-term (quarterly) ESG news sentiment and stock returns. Also, learn how Amenity's ESG earnings call and news sentiment data feeds can be used to produce greenwashing scores.

Thomas Endean
May 2, 2022

[Video] Alpha in ESG News

[Video] Alpha in ESG News

Real-Time, Predictive Scoring Using ESG News Sentiment Data

ESG data is painfully slow. Fund managers are increasingly looking towards sustainable investing while simultaneously needing to generate alpha for their investors. As a result, many funds have turned to ESG advisory firms and rating agencies for guidance. These firms create thorough ESG scorecards. But released only quarterly or annually, these scorecards are far from timely. Moreover, the data in the annual ratings is subject to change, and funds with shorter investment horizons may not be able to effectively evaluate a company in August based on ESG ratings that came out months prior.

See how Amenity’s ESG news dataset provides investors with real-time, broadly aggregated, and unbiased environmental-, social- and governance-related evidence and scores. We “show our work” on how we generated alpha by walking through our analysis investigating the relationship between short-term (weekly, monthly) and medium-term (quarterly) ESG news sentiment and stock returns.

Learn how Amenity’s ESG dataset can deliver results for:

  • Quantitative systematic trading
  • Quantamental equity research
  • Rating agencies
  • Advisory

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