AIR Summit London 1.0

Amenity Analytics CEO, Nate Storch, presented to investment management and innovation leaders in the search for new sources of alpha on emerging ideas before they become mainstream.

Nathaniel Storch
Amenity Co-founder & Symphony Franchise Leader
May 2, 2019
1 Siemens Brothers Way, Royal Victoria Dock, London, UK

About AIR Summit

The AIR Summit highlights innovative trends and challenges facing the institutional investment management industry, particularly ACTIVE investors. Investment management and innovation leaders are searching for new sources of alpha and leveraging emerging ideas before becoming mainstream. Join them in London and search for new sources of alpha.

Nate Storch, CEO of Amenity Analytics, presented its innovations in the field of text analytics at the event.

Event Details
  • Featuring 10 emerging FinTech companies
  • Two keynote speakers
  • Panel discussion
  • Four roundtable sessions with presenting companies
  • Networking opportunity

Visit the AIR Summit website for more information and registration details.
